A Violin by Manuel Di Landa
A Violin by Manuel Di Landa, Cremona, 2022
This Cremonese violin, made after a mid period model by Guarneri Del Gesù 1733, was crafted by the skillful hands of an experienced maker. The highlight of this violin in our opinion is the great craquelure texture on the intense coloured and antiqued varnish. More
Full description
Manuel Di Landa
Fascinated by the stylistic, geometric, and acoustic perfection of the instruments, he begins his luthier career in the world of violin making. Manuel is constantly searching for the perfect sound and acoustics; he developed his own style inspired by the past's great violin makers.Learn more
sound characteristics
Bright, sweet and round
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Violin Bow by Sergio Chanquia Sach, Paris
By Sergio Chanquia |
This modern and stylish bow was crafted on a personal model of a rising star maker in France. It unites the bold design and precise craftsmanship of the skillful, talented Sergio Chanquia. Besides the amazing quality materials and exceptional acoustic and technical response, Sach's bows stand for their awesome style and tasteful creativity.