Handmade Violins for Sale: An Entire Gallery Of Fine Violins Just For You

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Instruments of the violin family are the most beautiful, elegant, and sophisticated musical instruments ever. This city has a long history of making violins that goes back to the 15th century. It’s definitely the place to find the finest handmade violins for sale. The acoustic art of violin making is long and these handcrafted masterpieces have the power to bring beautiful music, history, and tradition.

When looking for a violin, especially handmade violins, the options might seem more complex and confusing than they actually are. Of course, if you are starting, we recommend you ask your teacher for some advice. In any case, to connect worldwide musicians to the finest handmade instruments, we developed our online Gallery.

The Cremonese violin is one of the best classifications among musicians.

Why buy Handmade Violins?

A handmade violin has so much more to offer than just its beautiful voice. The craftsmen dedicate knowledge and studies to create instruments like they were made in centuries past, following techniques that have been passed down through generations.

When an instrument is crafted, the luthier makes sure that every detail is considered to become a piece of art. We like to say that for us it is so unique that one violin will never be like another one even if they are built from the same model. An instrument represents a voice, which will be the one for many musicians to use as a way of expression.

Where to find Handmade Violins for sale easily?

Amorim Fine Violins focuses on selling these arts online, and yes, it’s completely safe and not that hard to find the right one for you. First of all, our collection is made by the most sought-after makers worldwide. Full certified instruments give you tranquillity and confidence to invest in something to compliment your music.

Secondly, we help you every step of the way until you get your violin! The website is full of tools to make everything easier. The Cremonese violin tradition, now in its fourth generation of violin making in Cremona, Italy, is a revolutionary art form that has been a means for musicians to express themselves since the 16th century. The same inspiration and feeling that Paganini experienced when he played the violin from Cremona can be shared by anyone!

There’s more in a handmade instrument

If you own a violin made by an original luthier, consider yourself privileged. The legacy of these violin makers has thrived for over 300 years, and if you have the budget, you can buy yourself a beautiful instrument.

Names like Antonio Stradivari, The Amati family, and Guarneri del Gesù have probably come across you. These people shaped the violin’s design as it is today.

Because it is built by hand, a handmade violin differs from a large-scale manufactured violin in essential ways. The maker of such an instrument must study for many years, go to a workshop and get mentorship, among other things. The long hours of labor result in more than just a beautiful instrument.

The Key to finding a Violin

The secret to finding your partner in classical music is research and attention to your needs as a musician. Every instrument has a purpose and function, therefore, think of what you’re seeking, the budget, and go after the good looking and aesthetics. As a way to make it easier, our comparison tool will allow you to compare up to 4 violins of our collection. The tool is essential to compare the instruments’ sound and other characteristics, give it a try. 

You need to know the right size for you. If you already play the violin, you will probably already understand the dimensions; if you are a student, look for help from your teacher. Also, always remember to check the model; the result of a violin’s sound will be directly related to its model.

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