Bow Maker
Marta Lucchi
Cremona, Italy
Daughter of maestro Giovanni Lucchi, she grew up in her father's workshop where she breathed the art of bow making from an early age. As a teenager, she began to build bows under the guidance of her father who handed down the fine art of bowmaking to her.Read more
Short Bio
Full Name: Marta Lucchi
Age: 44
Experience: 29 Years
New making style: New
Master Maker
Wood expert
Acknowledge Maker Worldwide
Locally making
Cremona, Italy
Maker Background
When Giovanni Lucchi, her father, and maestro died in 2012, she continued with her brothers to run the workshop LucchiCremona, crafting fine bows at her own name, using the stamp M. Lucchi – Cremona.Maker Interview
What famous people play your instruments?
My bows are played by great musicians like Taras Gabora and Christian Bellisario.
Why your instruments are so special?
Extreme quality of materials, as well as in the making process.